Company Resources
American Bank Incorporated is a bank holding company whose assets consist primarily of its investment in American Bank, its wholly owned subsidiary. The principal business activity of American Bank Incorporated is overseeing and directing the business of American Bank.
American Bank Incorporated is a publicly traded company. We completed our initial public offering of common stock in June 2000. American Bank Incorporated stock is traded on the Over-the-Counter Pink under the symbol AMBK. You can learn more about American Bank Incorporated stock, including current market price, by visiting our Stock Information page. If you are a shareholder and have a question or concern related to American Bank Incorporated stock, you can complete and submit an Investor Relations Inquiry Form and a member of our Investor Relations team will get back to you in a timely manner.
In addition, you can also view call reports for American Bank by clicking here. Once you are on the FFIEC website, select "View or download data for individual financial institutions", select Report Type (which would be "Call"), Report Date and type in our full name and select PA for the State.
If you are interested in contacting the Board of Directors of American Bank Incorporated, you may do so by submitting our online inquiry form or by writing to:
American Bank Incorporated
Attention: Board of Directors
Mr. Mark Jaindl, Chairman
615 Waterfront Drive, Suite 501
Allentown, PA 18102